56 School Fundraising Ideas to Raise Funds in 2019

Your students will love a chance to show off their musical chops with this fresh twist to the usual talent show. Ask students to show off their best recipes in a cooking battle. Have a theme for the event to make it easier for judges to decide the winner, like a chili or ramen cook-off. Find out who among your students can create the best cupcake in this colorful (and tasty) competition. Promote the stan with the help of students by handing them posters or leaflets to distribute during the event. Encourage parents to spend the day at their child’s school.
Social media video entertainment is highly popular, and students can utilize platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to post videos and hope it goes viral. For schools fundraising fundraising idea, select a few parking spots the school won’t mind reserving for the winning students. Host a live auction or an online bidding war, and see how far students are willing to go for a parking spot reserved for them for the semester or school year.
Get them to brainstorm about the types of people they should/can approach for selling items. What sales-pitch they should use; how they should explain the fundraiser. Load them up with information so that they can go out and do their best. Let the student make posters or flyers to put up around the school, or pass out to other teachers. Use their imagination to find a way to reach other kids their age.
Note that this can also be an easy virtual event if you choose to livestream a class instead. Maybe you’re short on time; maybe you just don’t have the energy. If you need some stress-free easy fundraiser ideas during COVID, we’ve got you covered.
With your school’s logo stamped on the merchandise, you can mark up this product and make the profits you need to fund key programs. Use your website and social media to publicize your school wish list for the supplies and equipment you need. Use specific, personal stories online to highlight what you need and how you plan to use the items on your wish list. In addition to providing games and activities, you can earn additional revenue by offering school merchandise.
Maybe a fence or an electronic entrance sign would be great spots for a small to medium-sized banner thanking your community sponsor for their support. Book fairs and swaps are another classic PTO fundraising method. Download a copy of our free fundraising checklist for cheer squads.
Find a local restaurant to partner with, preferably one that is not always fully booked but is attractive enough of a destination for parents to want to dine in. You can choose to set a donation amount (e.g. $3 per hug) or use the ‘pay what you want model’. Hug booths can be organized everywhere and anytime, but work best when there are crowds, so if there are bigger events happening – try and have your hug booth there.
A game tournament is an engaging fundraising event that leverages the power of gamification to maximize fundraising revenue. Will subcontract this work to a call center to speed things up, but you’ll need to be prepared to pay a percentage of donations if you choose to outsource your calls. One of the best ways to find funding for your nonprofit is through the use of grants.